
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Yudh - Episode 4 review. Beware of minor spoilers.

The first 15 minutes of the fourth episode made me feel much better about it than I did about the whole of the third episode of the mini-series. I guess I like a TV show to completely envelope me in the mood of the show and that's what the fourth episode managed to do!

The music has really started to be discernible and relatable! The background score has started to match the opening credits score and it's starting to come together as one score for the show.

The focus of this episode is the Mamta Malik's murder case. Finally, it feels like an episode is not split into five bits and all the bits are scurrying around, clueless. It's a nice, refreshing change, especially after the lackluster episode three, to see each issue being fully addressed.

This episode had some good scenes and some really smartly done scenes that included a typically brilliant Amitabh Bachchan scene where he acts absolutely non-chalant after roughly throwing out the chief editor of a national news channel. There was another dramatically charged scene that seemed typically Anurag Kashyap where the said chief editor bashes up a car sent by Yudh's number 2, Anand (because, well, I love me some surprise drama!)

All in all, a much better episode compared to the previous one and future storylines are being well chalked out now.

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